Ujung Genteng Beach is present beach in this area is the southern coast of Java Island which is the coast of the Indian Ocean., Her name is unique Ujung Genteng but that does not mean we will find Genteng, but exactly who make our beautiful beach bear is there. Ujung Genteng located in Sukabumi, West Java. To achieve this takes about 6 to 7 hours from Kuala Lumpur. Not frightened little time. Distance of over 200 kilometers plus road conditions are not too good enough to make take longer to achieve Ujung Genteng.
The existence of coral reefs in the ocean before beach make the next big wave broke, so the waves on the beach is not very big. Sea water is crystal clear so you can be satisfied to enjoy the beach and enjoy the crystal clear waters. In fact you can see the coral reefs and beautiful fish colorful without having to dive or snorkel. The beach is also a great place to enjoy the sunset or sunset.
Vilage Ujung Genteng itself there are many places of interest, such as direct view of green turtle (Chelonia mydas) nesting at night, which dig holes to lay their eggs, cover the hole to lay eggs, you can also touch the green turtle. There is also a location where you can surf mancanegara according to some people is a great place because it was clean & quite challenging littered.
If you want to go to Ujung Genteng Beach, you can contact Bunafit Tours on http://www.bunafitadventure.com
Source: www.gaungdemokrasi.net/component/content/article/83-berwisata/168-pantai-ujung-genteng-sukabumi-jawa-barat.html ,
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